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Did you know March is Workplace Eye Safety Month?

By March 16, 2023August 7th, 2023No Comments

Did you know March is Workplace Eye Safety Month? A time when employers and employees alike are encouraged to take a closer look at the potential hazards that can harm their eyes on the job. In this blog post, we’ll explore the importance of this month and what you can do to keep your eyes safe in the workplace.

Why is workplace eye safety month important?

The eyes are one of the most delicate and sensitive organs in the body, and they are susceptible to injuries in the workplace. Every year, thousands of workers suffer from eye injuries, and many of these injuries could have been prevented if proper precautions were taken. Workplace Eye Safety Month aims to raise awareness about the dangers of eye injuries and educate workers on how to protect their eyes.

What are the common causes of workplace eye injuries?

There are several ways that workers can injure their eyes in the workplace. Some of the most common causes include:

  • Flying objects – such as debris, dust, and particles
  • Chemical exposure – to irritants and hazardous chemicals
  • Radiation – from welding or UV radiation from the sun
  • Eye strain – from prolonged computer use or working in poorly lit areas

How can you protect your eyes in the workplace?

Here are some tips for keeping your eyes safe while on the job:

  • Wear protective eyewear: Safety glasses, goggles, or face shields can prevent most eye injuries.
  • Use caution when handling hazardous materials: Always read the label and follow safety protocols.
  • Take breaks: If you’re doing a task that requires prolonged use of a computer or other equipment, take breaks to rest your eyes.
  • Keep your workspace well-lit: Proper lighting can help reduce eye strain and fatigue.

Why should you book an eye exam during workplace eye safety month?

Workplace Eye Safety Month is a good reminder to get your eyes checked. Your eyesight can change gradually over time, and you may not even realize that your vision has deteriorated. A comprehensive eye exam can help detect vision problems early on and prevent more serious eye conditions. Regular eye exams can also help monitor the health of your eyes and catch any potential problems before they become severe.

Book an appointment with us!

Workplace Eye Safety Month is an important reminder to protect your eyes while on the job. By taking the necessary precautions and booking regular eye exams, you can keep your eyes healthy and prevent potential vision problems. If you’re due for an eye exam, don’t hesitate to book an appointment with Macleod Optometry today. Dr. Singh is dedicated to providing you with the highest level of eye care.Visit today!

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